Downtown High School
We are proud to be the new partner at Downtown High School! In alignment with DHS needs, our Create Your Path (CYP) program will be an integrated, school- community partnership, supporting students in reaching their career & educational goals. Youth will participate in Youth Workforce Development and be placed in supportive jobs aligned with DHS projects while also attending job readiness or college/career readiness workshops. Students will be paired with a Student Advocate for 1:1 assessment, forming individualized Academic & Career Plans, weekly check-ins, and linkage to tutoring.
Additional core services will target youth in credit recovery; lunchtime enrichment/identity-based program support, attendance/school engagement support through transportation services, Student Advocacy, and a Family Partnership incentive program.
Program Hours and Days
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Dismissal - 6:00 PM
Dismissal - 5:00 PM
Christian Moore
Downtown Program Manager
Terena Carter
Downtown Assistant Program Manager