Middle School Programs
What is a Beacon Center?
Originating in New York City, the Beacon model has been adopted by nonprofits in cities across the country to transform public schools into youth and family centers that become a beacon of activity for the surrounding neighborhood. Drawing on the existing wealth in our communities and partnership with the school administration, faculty, parent groups and community-based organizations and businesses, Beacon Centers create pathways to lifelong learning through which young people and adults can always find the next challenge or step in their process of learning, growth, and development.

Our Beacons
The Richmond Neighborhood Center offers robust Beacon programming for youth and their families at Roosevelt & Presidio Middle Schools. From morning groups and lunchtime clubs to after-school offerings and evening programs, the Beacons coordinate various resources to enrich the school community. Participation at the Beacon just requires a $15 membership fee per semester and includes free snacks. Programs include homework and tutoring, identity-based clubs, career exploration, family engagement opportunities, recreational and wellness activities, case management, and numerous enrichment opportunities based on the needs and desires of the school community.