COVID-19 Programming Updates

Here at The Richmond Neighborhood Center, our current priority is the health and well-being of our community, program participants, and staff. Below are the latest updates on the status of our program offerings.

School-Based Programs

The San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) has announced that all public schools will be closed for the next three weeks, effective Monday, March 16. As a result, our school-based programs will also be shut down until school resumes. All of our employees, including hourly employees, will be given the option to work from home.

Food Security Programs

Food pantries will remain open for the time being. We are taking extra precautions with sanitizing and modifying the regular distribution process to minimize gathering time and human contact. Extra shelf-stable food is being given to participants this week.

40th Anniversary Gala

Our 40th Anniversary Gala will no longer be an in-person gathering. I’ve always considered our organization to be a trailblazer, so we are going to do something creative. We cannot afford to postpone the event entirely because people are counting on our programs, services, and paychecks, which are particularly essential at a time like this.

Instead, we invite supporters to join an online auction and raise a paddle from home! For sponsors, corporate partners, and guests who have purchased tickets, we will be extending complimentary tickets to our fall event: a 40th Birthday Party taking place at the Presidio Officers’ Club on Thursday, September 10. More details to come.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding as we manage this developing situation. If you haven’t already, we suggest signing up for text alerts about COVID-19 from the City of San Francisco by texting COVID19SF to 888-777.