Support Black Communities in the Bay Area

In the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the subsequent uprising across the country, we have been inspired to see many people giving material support to the Black Lives Matter movement and Black communities.

The Richmond Neighborhood Center’s staff compiled this list of Bay Area-specific nonprofits, activist organizations, and other causes to which we as individuals have been giving our time and money. These organizations cover a wide variety of campaigns, programs and direct services that fight racist inequities in our society.

As the recent uprising fades from the headlines, we recognize that we must continue this fight every single day. We hope that you will join us.


Anti Police-Terror Project – Donate or Get Involved
APTP supports families surviving police terror in their fight for justice, documenting police abuses and connecting impacted families and community members with resources, legal referrals, and opportunities for healing.

Critical Resistance Oakland – Volunteer or Donate
Critical Resistance is a national grassroots organization building a movement to abolish the prison industrial complex. The Oakland chapter organizes towards this goal through activism and education here in the Bay Area.

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights – Donate or Get Involved
The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights organizes with Black, Brown, and low-income people to shift resources away from prisons and punishment, and towards opportunities that make their communities safe, healthy, and strong.

Interrupting Criminalization – Learn and Share
Interrupting Criminalization: Research in Action is a project that aims to interrupt and end the growing criminalization and incarceration of women and LGBTQ people of color. The project provides research and data analysis to support local grassroots organizing efforts.

No New SF Jail Coalition – Get Involved
No New SF Jail Coalition is a coalition of local organizations, residents and community members joining together to fight the expansion of imprisonment and criminalization in San Francisco.

San Francisco No Injunctions Coalition – Get Involved
The San Francisco No Injunctions Coalition is a campaign to end SF’s program of gang injunctions, which are court-issued restraining orders that disallow alleged gang members from many otherwise legal behaviors in certain areas. These injunctions require a low burden of proof, and contribute to increased police harassment of communities of color.

Wealth and Disparities in the Black Community – Justice 4 Mario Woods – Donate or Get Involved
Justice 4 Mario Woods advocates for victims of police violence in San Francisco and organizes to enact reforms that will prevent it.

Young Women’s Freedom Center – Donate
The Young Women’s Freedom Center (YWFC) is a leadership and advocacy organization led by systems-involved young and adult women and transgender gender non-conforming (TGNC) people of color who have grown up in poverty, worked in the underground street economy, and have been criminalized by social services such as foster care, welfare, and the mental health systems.

Youth Programs and Education

Collective Impact – Donate or Volunteer
Collective Impact’s youth programs, including project-based learning, enrichment, recreation and more, primarily serve low-income youth of color in the Western Addition and Fillmore districts of San Francisco.

CURYJ – Donate or Volunteer
CURYJ (Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice – pronounced “courage”) promotes youth activism and leadership in the movement to end mass incarceration and youth criminalization.

Hack the Hood – Donate or Volunteer
Hack the Hood empowers under-resourced youth of color with knowledge, skills, and relationships needed to succeed in tech careers. Through mentorship, culturally-relevant knowledge, 21st-century skills, and community partnerships, they help youth become creators of change in their communities.

Hip Hop For Change – Donate
Hip Hop For Change is a nonprofit that educates all people about the power of hip hop culture and empowers them with a platform to express themselves through the arts.

Spark* SF Public Schools’ African American Achievement and Leadership Initiative (AAALI) – Donate
By 2025, AAALI aims to significantly increase African American student achievement by ensuring that students have access to high-quality educational experiences that prepare them for postsecondary success.

Youth ALIVE! – Donate
Youth ALIVE! is an organization of mentors, youth leaders, counselors, case managers, intervention specialists and violence interrupters that works with Oakland youth to interrupt the cycle of street violence and train future community leaders.

Direct Services

People’s Breakfast Oakland – Donate or Get Involved
People’s Breakfast Oakland provides direct services and mutual aid to the people of Oakland, providing food, clothing, and other essentials, and recently offering COVID-19 testing.

Rafiki Coalition – Donate or Volunteer
Rafiki Coalition’s mission is to eliminate health inequities in San Francisco’s Black and marginalized communities through education, advocacy, and by providing holistic health and wellness services in a culturally affirming environment.

Roots Community Health Center – Donate
Roots Community Health Center’s mission is to uplift those impacted by systemic inequities and poverty through medical and behavioral health care, health navigation, workforce enterprises, housing, outreach, and advocacy.

WestCoast Children’s Clinic – Donate
Located in Oakland, WestCoast Children’s Clinic is committed to providing psychological services to vulnerable children, youth, and their families regardless of their ability to pay and to expanding the reach of psychological services through practice and research.

Legal Services

National Center for Youth Law – Donate
Headquartered in Oakland, the National Center for Youth Law is a non-profit law firm that helps low-income children achieve their potential by transforming the public agencies that serve them.

TGI Justice Project – Donate or Volunteer
TGIJP’s mission is to challenge and end the human rights abuses committed against transgender, gender variant and intersex (TGI) people in California prisons, jails, detention centers and beyond through legal services and peer legal advocacy programs.

Transgender Law Center – Donate or Volunter
Grounded in legal expertise and committed to racial justice, TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.